The Importance of Good Information

In order to make good decisions, it is important to have good information.

 Perhaps the greatest threat to David’s kingship was the rebellion instigated by his own son, Absalom.  As Absalom’s revolt gains momentum, David realizes that good information will be imperative if he is to make good decisions; indeed, if he is to survive.  Hushai, Abiathar, Zadok, Ahimaaz, and Jonathan provide David with a network of spies who are key to the flow of valuable data and military intelligence.

To make good decisions, leaders need information that is both reliable and relevant. That information needs to be delivered in an opportune fashion in order to allow decisions to be made in a timely and prudent manner. This is why organizations invest significant resources in research and the gathering of data.

It is also important to note that even bad news can often provide good information. Bad news—if it is reliable and relevant—can prompt prudent responses that keep bad news from becoming worse news.  Leaders have to actively pursue accurate information, and avoid behavior that makes people hesitant to provide accurate information—especially when it is bad news.  Leaders who respond poorly to bad news often find themselves without the information they need.

Accurate information, delivered in a timely manner, is imperative to leadership success.

Excerpt taken from Eddie Estep, Who’s By Your Side? More Leadership Lessons from the Life of King David (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2016).