Parish Appreciation

After ten years in the superintendency I am still sometimes asked, “What do you miss about the pastorate?”  My usual response goes something like this: “What I miss most is the privilege of preaching, Sunday after Sunday, to the same congregation.”  If I were completely truthful I would add, “… and I miss Pastor Appreciation Sundays.”

We had a special family tradition on Pastor Appreciation Sundays.  Following the service we would go home, sit down in the living room floor, and together open the cards - reading the encouraging words and celebrating the gifts.   Then we would divide everything four ways – with Diane, Josh, Jeff, and Eddie getting equal shares.  (I think those days may be one reason why our boys love the church today.)

If you are a pastor, I hope your church honors you with a Pastor Appreciation Sunday. 

If you are a pastor, I also hope you honor your church with a Parish Appreciation attitude.

None of us are guaranteed a place to serve.  None of us are guaranteed that some church will open their doors and their hearts to us.  To serve a congregation is a privilege, even though it may not always feel that way.

When counseling troubled marriages, I sometimes ask, “What is it that God is trying to teach you through the gift of your spouse?  Is He trying to teach you patience?  grace?  responsibility? humility?  Do you view your spouse as the gift God intended him/her to be, even in troubling times?”

What is it that God is trying to teach you these days through the gift of your parish? 

Perhaps He is trying to teach you appreciation.