Grateful for Nazarene Higher Education


This past weekend was a big weekend for Nazarene Higher Education in the Kansas City area. Both Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS) and MidAmerica Nazarene University (MNU) celebrated Commencements. (Nazarene Bible College will celebrate Commencement on May 26-27.) We are privileged to partner with these great institutions to forward the mission, and we are grateful for their witness and their influence as the teaching arm of the church.

Last Saturday I had the privilege of observing the fruit and product of our partnership with MNU by participating in two MNU Commencement Ceremonies (Traditional Undergraduate Commencement and Professional and Graduate Commencement). I was impressed by…

… the inspiring stories of life transformation.

… the number of family and friends that gathered to celebrate their graduates.

… the significant scope of MNU’s reach and influence.  

… the obvious sense of connection – even “family” – between graduates and professors. Those connections are not nearly as prevalent at public universities as they are at MNU. 

… the young servant leaders who walked across the platform to receive their diplomas – leaders who will be recognized for their excellence, integrity, and spiritual maturity. Many of those servant leaders will occupy places of service and influence in our churches. 

Our best strategy for discipling 18- to 22-year-olds on the Kansas City District is MidAmerica Nazarene University. MNU provides students from our district a place to learn and prepare for vocations that will make a difference in the world, as well as providing several of our district ministers a place to invest their significant teaching gifts. MNU also serves as a key Lifelong Learning resource for ministers on the Kansas City District.

As of May 1, Kansas City District Nazarenes have given $337,284.25 in support of MidAmerica Nazarene University during the 2017-2018 church year. Thank you for your generous support of our university! You are making a wise investment.