Mom and Dad


My mom and dad attended church yesterday in Harrisonville, Missouri. They’ve been faithful members there for more than a dozen years but have been unable to attend for the last few months due to my mom’s illness. Thankfully, she is experiencing a turn for the better.  

Yesterday Diane and I had the privilege of sitting with them in church—an experience made even more special because my mom and dad celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last week. I watched the way they greeted—and were greeted by—their many friends at church, and the ways their souls were nurtured by the music, the testimonies, and the sermon. I was reminded of the importance of being part of a community of faith. God has used the good folks at Harrisonville Nazarene to encourage my parents in so many ways and to bring joy to their faces, food to their table, warmth to their hearts, and hope to their eyes.

Today, I am most thankful for the heritage I have been given. My parents have modeled great faith, the importance of family, and the blessing of church involvement. I’m grateful for how they have led the way—in life, in marriage, and in faith.