Rev. Don Bird: A Tribute to a Faithful Pastor

We lost a good pastor on Sunday.

Our brother, Pastor Don Bird (Overland Park Antioch), went home to heaven on Sunday morning, August 25, 2019. He had just preached a sermon some felt was “more animated than usual,” served his congregation the Lord’s Supper, and pronounced the benediction. As the congregation was leaving the sanctuary, Don collapsed from a heart attack. First aid was rendered immediately, but he did not regain consciousness.

While Don was taken far too soon, and had several more fruitful years of life and ministry ahead of him, could there be a better way for a pastor to pass from this world to the next? He had just preached, offered Communion to his flock, and gave them a blessing. He did not suffer or languish. One minute he was vibrantly and enthusiastically shepherding those under his care, the next minute he was in the presence of the Good Shepherd.

I was preaching at Beacon Hill on Sunday morning when my phone began to vibrate with texts and phone calls. When I had opportunity to give them attention, I was shocked by the news, as I know you were. It was not lost on me that twice in the course of that service, lay leaders in the church offered this exhortation: “Be ready, so you don’t have to get ready.”

I believe our brother, Don, was ready. It behooves us all to be ready, in case we don’t have time to get ready.

In the hours since we heard the news, there have been many poignant conversations between pastors and spouses: “What if it had been us…?” Times such as these remind us of our mortality, and of our desire to care for our families. I know I have been reminded of the importance of keeping accounts short, relationships warm, and responsibilities current.

We are also reminded of our firm faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and confident hope in the Resurrection. Paul’s perspective on life and death is instructive: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Don grewup on a farm in southwest Kansas. His parents were committed Nazarene lay leaders. Called to ministry at age 14, he attended MNU and then graduate school at Johns Hopkins University. Prior to coming to Overland Park Antioch, Don served churches in Ohio, Maryland, and Kansas. He also served the denomination in several ways, notably in coordinating SDMI and NYI events. He served the Kansas City District in almost every area of leadership, most recently as District SDMI Chairman. He was a visionary pastor, gifted in preaching the Gospel, leading worship, and organizational planning. He also mentored several young pastors.

Just this month, Don completed 23 years of service as pastor at Antioch. He was a legacy pastor. He and I had recently set the date for the regular Church/Pastoral Relationship Review that would have taken place in September. Over the years, Don had led the Antioch congregation through significant milestones, including the sale of property, relocation, and the strategic and intentional planting of a new church. Under his leadership, the church was intentional about investing in new and missional ministries. His vision was to start ten new works in ten years. Though he had served the church for over two decades, he endeavored to stay fresh and current, and was engaged in starting new ministries and new initiatives.

Don was typically the last person to leave a meeting. He simply enjoyed being around people. He especially enjoyed participating in the ministry of Heaventrain at the Edwardsville church plant.

Don leaves a grieving family, a grieving congregation, and a grieving district. We are lifting up Sheila and the children and grandchildren in our prayers. In the days and weeks to come, as you are prompted to reach out with a card or an expression of loving concern, you may send them to: Sheila Bird, 7639 Monrovia, Lenexa, KS 66216.

We also remember Antioch Church in this time of loss. Diane and I will be worshipping with them this Sunday, and I will meet with the church board then as we seek God’s grace and guidance in navigating these days of pastoral transition.

The family is in the process of making arrangements. It appears that a service in tribute to Don will be held this Saturday morning, August 31, at Central Church. The time of the service, and the time and place of visitation, should be available later today.

May God bless the memory and legacy of our brother and friend.