COVID-19 and Pastoral Leadership, Update #5 Reflections at this Point in the Journey

April 6, 2020

55 days until Pentecost

This Holy Week is guaranteed to be unlike any you or I have ever experienced. COVID-19 has made that certain. However, the work of the church and of pastors has not ceased during this season. In many ways it has increased. While we may not be able to meet publicly, the proclamation of the gospel has been significantly enhanced and expanded through livestreamed services and other digital means. Discipleship groups and prayer meetings are taking place via Zoom. There is an increase in pastoral care through innovative means. Precisely because our work is "essential," pastors are finding creative ways for the work of ministry to continue. 

What I am learning…

·      A screenshot of a Zoom meeting can be saved and used as a prayer guide

·      Pastors can figure out how to pivot on a dime and serve their churches in new and powerful ways. Several of them are also parents with kids at home and in addition to ministry responsibilities have now become “homeschoolers.”

·      A fresh sense of gratitude for pastors, for health care personnel, and for the supply chain

·      This is a marathon, and you run a marathon one step at a time

·      Just how fragile humanity really is

·      God does His best work when His people are in the worst circumstances

What I am wondering…

·      Since Easter will be somewhat muted this year, will there be a renewal of interest in the significance of Pentecost? While the first Easter was not celebrated with big crowds (only experienced by one or two at a time), the first Pentecost was celebrated with a big crowd. Maybe Pentecost will be very, very special this year.

What I am hoping…

·      That when we finally are able to gather together again in person, we will no longer need to convince people of the value of worship gatherings. It will have become apparent during this season of isolation.

·      That we will be delivered from this temporary affliction sooner than some estimate.

·      That God will continue to empower all of us to serve well – with grace and peace. 

·      That our first grandchild, Ellie Kay, will arrive safely this week. Josh and Kortney are headed to the hospital tonight, and Kortney will be induced a week before her due date to avoid the COVID-19 peak expected next week in Ohio. 

This week’s Zoom meetings with senior pastors will take place Thursday at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The 6:00 p.m. meeting will be translated into Spanish. We will begin offering Lifelong Learning Credit for these meetings.  This week’s meeting   will include:

·      Leadership Development Component

·      Updates/Information

·      Peer-to-Peer Learning: Best Practices

·      Prayer Time

·      Devotional: Eddie Estep

The district Ministry Team Retreat has been rescheduled for October 5-8, 2020, at The Chateau on the Lake, Branson.

I am praying for you.

God is with us.

                                                                                            Eddie Estep

                                                                                            District Superintendent