


This week I have the privilege of participating in “The Power of One” Leadership Conference in Guatemala.  My assignment is to speak twice on the topic, “Transforming Communities,” and the story of Jonah will be the focus of both sessions.  Over the last several weeks I have enjoyed a deep dive into that brief (four chapters) Old Testament book.

Here are a few of the major lessons the Spirit has been teaching me from the Minor Prophet:

·      God can use one voice to change a community.

·      Jonah seems to me to be A Tale of Three Cities: Nineveh (The Place of Mission), Tarshish (The Place of Temptation), and Joppa (The Place of Decision).

·      It helps if you like the people God has called you to serve; or, if you don’t like them, to at least love them…

·      God often calls people to a “place”—and sometimes it is a difficult place, with difficult people, and with difficult problems.

·      Everybody wants to pastor Tarshish Community Church, where the parsonage overlooks the Mediterranean and sermons are written with your toes in the sand.

·      Joppa is where you determine your direction and pay the price (Jonah “paid the fare”).

·      Jonah had to finance his own rebellion.  So do we.

·      Before God can transform communities, God must first transform leaders.