Would That We All Embraced the Sacrament

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Do you embrace the sacrament? Me, too! I would like to see the sacrament observed weekly in all our churches. Before you assume you understand what I’m saying, and form an opinion about that/me, please read this to the end to discover exactly what I mean.

I have a friend who observes the Lord’s Supper daily. He comes from a high church tradition and considers it part of his daily office. While some might think that a little over-the-top, I would never dream of criticizing my friend for his personal practice, which is for him a meaningful expression of his communion with Christ.

The Manual requires Nazarene churches to celebrate the sacrament of Communion at least every three months: “The Lord’s Supper should be administered at least once a quarter” (515.4). In the last church I pastored, an influx of new members with liturgical and Roman Catholic backgrounds prompted us to move toward a monthly observance of the sacrament. The response was mostly positive, though some expressed a desire to receive the Lord’s Supper more frequently and some less frequently. The only thing certain was that I would receive several e-mails of concern from those in the medical profession when we received the sacrament by intinction–especially during flu season. 

These days there is a strong push in some quarters toward a weekly observance of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. I appreciate the rationale and am grateful for those who are raising our awareness of the significant means of grace the practice provides. My fear is that the Lord’s Supper becomes the only means of response to the Word each Sunday and that our altars become barren as a result.

While a case can be made for a weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper, a case can also be made for an annual observance of the Lord’s Supper (based on its tie to the Passover Meal–a yearly event). 

Nonetheless, I would like to see the sacrament observed weekly…the sacrament of baptism, that is. It would be wonderful to see our churches become so evangelistically effective, so brimming with new life and the fruit of the gospel, that we would need to have baptisms weekly just to keep up with the demand. That would be beautiful!  

Here’s to “equal-opportunity sacramental expression!” If you plan the Lord’s Supper weekly, why not consider planning baptisms weekly as well. You might be surprised at what the Lord does to grace those plans.